“When Black and Latinx financial professionals are not reflected in positions of leadership and on advisory teams, your company could miss opportunities to cultivate wealth, retain top talent, and ensure communities of color feel more included.
Therefore, when you’re building your financial planning teams, RIAs, or executive leadership boards, ask yourself how you will be more inclusive to reflect the world around you.”
The Importance and Impact of Recruiting and Serving Black and Latinx Financial Planning Professional
Attending a Historically Black College and University (HBCU) allowed me to start my travels with a strong sense of pride, an understanding of community, and a feeling of empowerment to enter the next chapter of my life as a Black woman. My experiences in financial services—particularly, as a person of color—changed my perspective.
Why You Need To Shift Your Financial Mindset As An Entrepreneur
Becoming an entrepreneur isn’t easy, and the ups and downs aren’t for everyone. As an investment advisor, I have spent more than 10 years in the financial industry helping individuals manage their wealth. My goal as an investment advisor is to make sure my clients are well equipped to understand how these career changes will affect their retirement, budget, and most importantly, overall lifestyle. Here are my tips for shifting your financial mindset as an entrepreneur.